Open to suggestions
- Law
- Art
- Management
- Political science
- Business
- Marketing
- Architecture
- Movies
- Paintings
- Philosophy
Follow instructions perfectly
Excellent job
Could have been better
Requirement: Describe the type of budget you plan to implement in your company and outline the budgeting review steps necessary to ensure that your company reaches the financial forecast. Requirement: Explain the type of cost system you plan to implement in your company and identify any major challenges in implementing your cost system. Suggest a way to overcome the identified challenges What were the major challenges in implementing your cost system? What was a way to overcome the challenges?
Writer didn't meet the word count and reference requirement, hundreds words are missed. I required at least 5 sources for references but I got only 2 sources. There are also some grammar errors, extremely disappointed.
It was good however some figures where wrong.
good writeup
Got 78% grade, not bad, thanks.