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Writers id: 36338
Open to suggestions
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Technical/Humanitarian skills:
Hire this writer- Communications & Media
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- Communication strategies
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See what other clients say about this writerCourseworkApril 12, 2019PowerPoint presentationApril 08, 2019EssayApril 06, 2019Term paperMarch 29, 2019EssayMarch 24, 2019EssayMarch 22, 2019Case studyMarch 07, 2019EssayFebruary 25, 2019Research paperFebruary 18, 2019Case studyFebruary 13, 2019
Personal Development Portfolio
very good paper
Cultural Diversity
nice job! thank you
Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace
Everything looked good execpt for some minor grammatical errors.
Leadership Analysis
Write a 2000 word essay describing what is called as “ordinary” and “extraordinary” management and the “rational model”.
It was good. English could have been better.
Need a solution and marketing implication.
Perfect !
Two Case study
Ethic Essay
Well done..
Strategic Project Managment
Smartphones, Seniors, and Purchase Decisions
Thank you