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Writers id: 199351
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See what other clients say about this writerResearch paperSeptember 08, 2020Dissertation chapter - ResultsAugust 29, 2020DissertationAugust 13, 2020Dissertation chapter - Literature reviewAugust 06, 2020DissertationJuly 16, 2020DissertationDecember 24, 2019Dissertation chapter - Literature reviewNovember 23, 2019Book reportNovember 19, 2019Research paperNovember 06, 2019Research paperAugust 17, 2019
Educational Facility Users: A Study on Improving Environmental Curricula and General Pedagogy from Students and Instructors in Anyang
Thank you all so much for all your hard work!
International Corporate Governance
Good work done!
FinTech and P2P Lending: Regulatory Challenges
Very professional work and excellent service.
Relationship Among Military-Veteran Employee Job Satisfaction, Job Motivation, and Employee Turnover
The literature review was structured well with each paragraph displaying logical flow. The identified gap within the literature was constructive and summarized the review perfectly.
comparing the modernisation of democratic systems in Ireland and the UK and how that leads to citizen satisfaction.
Pretty decent job in the short time available. Broadly satisfied, work will require a little tweaking but nothing major.
Role of Customer relationship management (CRM) in a company's performance.
great job!
Agent based modelling of crime and policing in London
Thank you for your essay, clearly followed instructions and written to a very high level. Super impressed!
The Plant Paradox
The Criminology of White-Collar Crime
energy storage systems
excellent work